
Upcoming events of major national importance

Saturday, October 24: Refuse Fascism sponsors: Join and organize MASS PUBLIC ASSEMBLIES Nationwide to PLAN, ORGANIZE, PROTEST & DEMAND:

Tuesday, October 27: Sick And Tired Day Of Action called by

Past events

Thursday, October 15, 7pm EDT: Sick and Tired Day of Action Mass Meeting
The Frontline coalition says: “Over 50 years ago, civil rights hero Fannie Lou Hamer, said “I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired,” and 50 years later those words could not ring more true. On October 27th, the week before the election, The Frontline is calling for a national day of action to rally our communities and show we are ready to not just vote Trump out but ready to move closer to the justice we all deserve.”

Saturday, October 17, various times:

WomenRising2020 says: “… In 2020 we are engaging in targeted direct action aimed at those who have attempted to impede on our rights and we are building with those who have always stood by our side. Women have seen serious attacks under our current administration but we have also seen just what we are capable of when we fight together. “

Thursday, October 22: 25th National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization
When the first National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression, and the Criminalization of a Generation was called 24 years ago, it would have been hard to imagine where we are today. A moment of immense possibility, but also immense danger. The threat of the U.S. becoming a fascist state is more real by the day: federal forces kidnapping and even assassinating demonstrators on U.S. streets by orders of the president, organized acts of terror carried out by armed white militias, open white supremacist violence promoted at every level of government.