Our message is that the precious time between now and the election should not be squandered. It’s crucial to organize and mobilize NOW.
What does that mean? The reality is that the Trump machine is destroying democratic norms and going on greater attacks to reshape the country into a “law and order” state. Laws mean nothing to them unless they can use them to enforce repression and oppression, especially white supremacy. Those who see this have a responsibility to sound the alarm and to act.
There has to be significant public mobilization before the election in order to build up the strength of the people’s movements and to safeguard the integrity of the voting process against Trumpist intervention.
We call on people to unite their righteous struggles, not to submerge their struggles or stifle them. White supremacy, male supremacy, the environmental catastrophe, the assaults on our immigrant sisters and brothers, the aggressive “America First” chauvinism, the suppression of protest and dissent… all have to be confronted and defeated. Doing so will be immeasurably harder if Trump continues to implement his plans to become America's dictator.
To take action NOW contact the organizations listed here or the many others that exist, especially on the local level and that are too numerous to list here. Participate with them, engage with them, encourage them to unite between now and the elections. Unite with them to take on the real threat of an illegitimate and disastrous Trump second term.