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We can’t wait until Nov. 4 to mobilize!

Trump is not merely running for President. He aspires to be a dictator. His agenda is fascist “law and order;” white supremacy; male domination; America First—Screw the rest of the planet; & the brutal suppression of Black Lives Matter and all movements for racial, social, & economic justice.

Yes, it’s essential to vote against Trump & his agenda. But don’t count on a fair election or that Trump will leave office peacefully if he loses.

  • Trump has proclaimed that he can lose the election only if there is “fraud” by the Democrats.

  • To intimidate voters, he has called for 50,000 volunteer “poll-watchers” — many will carry guns.

  • Trump’s criminal crony Roger Stone has called for martial law if Democrats protest election results.

  • Voter suppression of likely anti-Trump voters is already widespread.

  • Trump refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power if elections don’t go his way.

Waiting until Nov. 4 to begin mass sustained nonviolent protest will:

  • Allow Trump to deploy more militarized federal goons as he’s done vs. protests nationwide. 

  • Invite right-wing militias to run the streets.

  • Weaken the will of the many politicians and officials who oppose Trump to stand up to him.

  • Invite the Trump machine to use the post-Ginsburg Supreme Court to legalize repression and the destruction of democratic rights. 

  • Give a green light to killer cops —None of the cops who wantonly murdered Breonna Taylor were indicted!

  • Increase the likelihood that protests will be swept off the streets with deadly force, that dissent will be suppressed, and that murderous onslaughts against peoples of color will continue.

Fight for the Future:
We need a powerful movement against Trump’s fascist agenda.

Unite with all who have taken action against police murders, environmental destruction, the assault on immigrants and other outrages to join in taking action now against the impending political catastrophe.

All forms of nonviolent action should be used:
from voting to poll watching, from street protests to mass civil disobedience.

If you care about humanity: sound the alarm & make yourselves seen & heard in massive protest.

We need to create this broad movement against fascism as soon as possible.

The precious days and weeks between now and the election
should not be squandered.      #OrganizeDontAgonize