Get organized (list in formation):
Each generation is faced with formidable challenges that define them. We know that in order to build a bright future for everyone, we must stand together to say enough.
The Frontline is a powerful coming together of people across differences to meet this generational challenge. We’re going to defeat white nationalism, protect our democracy, and demand that those in power advance a people’s agenda.
Read 10 Things You Need to Know to Stop a Coup
Take the Pledge that includes “We will nonviolently take to the streets if a coup is attempted” and “If we need to, we will shut down this country to protect the integrity of the democratic process.”
Sign up for the Training in Nonviolent Direct Action
Sign up to be an Election Defender—Take the trainings on the following days:
Tuesday, Oct 6, 7:30pm—9:00pm EDT
Tuesday, Oct 13, 7:30pm—9:00pm EDT
Tuesday, Oct 20, 7:30pm—9:00pm EDT
BLM is a movement, not any one organization. Contact the local BLM group(s) in your area and join their efforts. Advocate to stop Trump from stealing the election and staging a coup.
Sign up to be an Election Defender.
Join its daily protests beginning October 3 to get millions in the streets demanding “Trump/Pence Out NOW.”
Sign up for its M.O.R.E. campaign:
Mobilizing, Organizing, Registering, Educating People for a Movement That Votes.
Become a M.O.R.E. organizer. Sign up for its Voter Protection Plan.
Be trained as a poll monitor.
Take the Pledge “to join my generation as we vote and take to the streets to win a society that works for all of us.”
Join its Victory Squad.
Sign up for its Planning for Activists 2020: Ensuring a Just Transition of Power, Nonviolent Direct Action Principles, Know Your Rights. Saturday, Oct 10, 10am—noon.
Sign up for its Windivisible and Protect the Results Campaign.
Take the Pledge that includes occupying civic squares on November 4, occupying state capitols on November 7, and engaging in rolling strikes throughout November, December and January to force Trump to leave power.
Jewish-led organization vs. ICE concentration camps and detention centers. They recognize and identify the signs of approaching fascism. Open to all who agree with the mission.