10/22— Voter suppression in Minnesota

The Hill: Private security contractors advertising jobs for armed guards at Minnesota polling places: report https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/522123-private-security-contractors-advertising-jobs-for-armed-guards-at

10/20— The Dystopian Police State the Trump Administration Wants

Phillip Atiba Goff/Opinion/The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/20/opinion/trump-commission-police.html?action=click&module=RelatedLinks&pgtype=Article

10/20— Trump may try to steal the election. We need to start preparing for that now.

Ashley Dawson/Opinion/The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/oct/20/donald-trump-steal-election-start-preparing

10/15— Rochester (New York) Labor Council, AFL-CIO calls for a general strike if Trump refuses to carry out a peaceful transition of power

This is an extremely important development, yet at the same time, the most pressing need right now is to mobilize before the election to make the fascists back off and to build up the strength of the people to be able to take on whatever happens with the election.

10/13— Watch this chilling video of Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett as she refuses to condemn voter intimidation :

10/10 — Washington Post: Volunteer lawyers will advise military personnel who question the legality of orders during protests, election disputes

10/9 —Statement by Dr. Cornel West at a press conference at the United Nations, October 8

10/8 —CNN author on the VP debate: Pence refuses to commit to peaceful transfer of presidential power.

At the Vice Presidential debate Pence confirmed what Trump and co. have been telling us for months. Believe what they say. Pence lays out the rationale for a coup based on their overthrow of the legitimate election process. The CNN author also rebuts each of Pence’s lies and distortions. As the CNN intro says “Read it carefully.” And we say: “Act now accordingly!”